Many of us experience emotional difficulties at some point during our lives. At these times, we may turn to friends and family for help and support. But sometimes this is not possible, or not enough.
It can be hard to seek help - perhaps you think that you should be able to sort things out for yourself. Maybe you feel embarrassed or ashamed of not coping. Or maybe things seem so overwhelming you can't imagine how they could improve.

At this point, counselling and psychotherapy can help.

I am an integrative BACP registered psychotherapist which means I draw from a wide range of techniques and diagnostic models to enable each client a way of working which is appropriate for them. During our sessions together we will explore your thoughts, feelings, situation and behaviours focusing particularly on the links between the past and the present. With increased understanding and awareness of your patterns and your unique reality, comes the possibility to make positive changes to experience a more satisfying way of living your life.

In our work together you will develop a deeper understanding of how your past relationships and experiences continue to influence and affect you. This understanding can help in processing of thoughts, feelings, beliefs and behaviours, enabling you to make positive and lasting change.

Loss and bereavement, anxiety, relationship and sexuality issues, anger management, depression, addiction, low self esteem, lack of confidence, stress and abuse. These are some of the many reasons that may have brought you to this website. You may feel confused, stuck, hopeless, or isolated, life may seem an on-going challenge or you could be facing a particular crisis. The reason any of us initiate the therapeutic process is varied as everyone brings their own unique situation.

At our first meeting we will discuss how often and how long you think you may want to engage in the process of therapy.